Showing posts with label affordable housing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label affordable housing. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Developers may be required to build more affordable housing in SLO

Real estate developers could be required to include as much as 10 percent of their housing stock to be below-market-rate value for low- and moderate-income families, according to a new proposal.

The City of San Luis Obispo wants to ramp up the construction of affordable housing units. An updated draft of the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance would require 5 percent of new development to be low income. 

Another 5 percent would be moderate-income, meaning 10 percent of housing in the city would be below market rate value. That's up from the current requirement of 3 percent for low income, or 5 percent for moderate-income households.

The proposal will be discussed at the planning commission's next meeting on June 8. 

There will be some exemptions to the new ordinance if it's passed, including new developments of four units or less.